Optimize TSP using Ant Colony System using Java

  • Shatha Habeeb University of Technology, Computer Sciences, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Zainab Sadiq Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Keywords: TSP, Ant Colony System.


The travelling salesman problem (TSP) probably is the most prominent problem in combinatorial optimization. It is simple definition along with its notorious difficulty has stimulated many efforts to find an efficient algorithm. In this research use Ant Colony System to solving TSP and generating good solutions to both. The work has been extended to calculate the correlation coefficient between the number of nodes and number of iterations.

How to Cite
Shatha Habeeb and Zainab Sadiq, “Optimize TSP using Ant Colony System using Java ”, JMAUC, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 117-124, Jun. 2013.