تأثير التداخل بين اجهاد الجفاف والبرولين في نمو وحاصل نبات الماش VignaradiataL

  • وفاق امجد القيسي قسم علوم الحياة / كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة – إبن الهيثم / جامعة بغداد
  • عباس جاسم حسين الساعدي قسم علوم الحياة / كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة – إبن الهيثم / جامعة بغداد
  • آسو لطيف عزيز جامعة گرميا/ فاكلتي التربية /سكول التربية العملية
الكلمات المفتاحية: نبات الماش، البرولين، اجهاد الجفاف


The experiment was conducted in botanical garden of the Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Baghdad during the Summergrowth season of 2013. The experiment aimed to study the effect of the interaction of drought stress and proline on growth and yield of Vignaradiata L. The treatment of drought stress were irrigation every day (control), irrigation every two days, irrigation every four days. While concentration of proline were 0, 10, 20, 30 ppm. The results showed that effect of drought stress irrigation divergence from every days to irrigation every four days led to significant decrease in the averages of most studied characteristic at which decreased in plant height by 19.39%, leaf area by 26.36%, dry weight by 34.35%, chlorophyll content by 16.60%, soluble carbohydrates percentage by 29.49%, nitrogen percentage by 23.44%, protein percentage by 21.72%, pods number by 33.42% biological yield by 16.83% seeds yield by 23.63% and harvest index by 8.27%.Proline sparing showed a significant increase in most of average of studied characteristics especially concentration 20 ppm the plant height by 69.89%, leaf area by 60.07%, dry weight 96.50%, chlorophyll content by 63.67%, soluble carbohydrate percentage by 53.78%, nitrogen percentage 62.50% protein percentage by 120.13%, pods number by 72.22%, biological yield by 58.57%, seeds yield by 85.07% and harvest index by 17.07% compared with control.

كيفية الاقتباس
وفاق امجد القيسي, عباس جاسم حسين الساعدي, و آسو لطيف عزيز, "تأثير التداخل بين اجهاد الجفاف والبرولين في نمو وحاصل نبات الماش VignaradiataL", JMAUC, م 7, عدد 2, ص 45-57, 2015.