المسؤولية التضامنية للسائق ومالك السيارة في التأمين الإلزامي

  • كاظم حسن الربيعي كلية مدينة العلم الجامعة - قسم القانون
Keywords: insurance compulsory – compensation – liability of the owner the driver car.


 We conclude from the foregoing that the incidence of recourse against the owner of the vehicle and its driver Baaltdhamn received exclusively in the law may not increase it and do not exceed more than punish the driver in driving a car is in the non-normal because of the sugar or deliberate or serious error and not drive off the market or a load greater than or use the car is purpose or because of a stolen car or usurped and was able to replace all of them and confining mistake willful serious mistake coupled with the circumstances Almshidh passing male and leave to spend his role, taking into account that suits aggrieved become obsolete in three years and it can not refer to the driver in the normal error is previous cases, these properties of compulsory insurance, which is one of the contracts absent with social objectives forand stamen compensate those affected incidents of cars even encountered thus a departure from the general rules of civil liability, as well as does not cost the car owner to pay a premium, but a certain percentage of gasoline sales, which collects insurance company billions do not act for those affected by incidents of cars, but the bare minimum and restore what is left to the Ministry of Finance as the profits made by the company or build your buildings and this is not the goal of the legislator of compulsory insurance, which take Starand played it affected themselves and turned to the chapter clan, which gives them the compensation high up in some respects to the (25) million or more for this I cancel this type of compulsory insurance and to keep the affected their experience in the civil courts are merciful

How to Cite
كاظم حسن الربيعي, “المسؤولية التضامنية للسائق ومالك السيارة في التأمين الإلزامي”, JMAUC, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 23-31, Dec. 2013.