Evaluation of Loans Submitted to the Youth in Creating Job Opportunities and Enhancing the Provision of Services

  • Hamid Ali Abdulla
  • Mariam Mudhafar Hameed
  • Osamah Ali Abdulla
  • Ahmed ali almulla
Keywords: Loans, Youth, Unemployment, Job Oppertunities, Services.


The current situation of poverty in Iraq is one of the most critical ones in recent years due to the security and economic conditions in the country, which witnessed an increase and a significant negative impact on the living conditions of the poor, which led to an increase in unemployment and disadvantage.

Therefore, the concerned authorities must put in place effective policies to deal with this crisis, mitigate its consequences, and address the difficult economic conditions experienced by these groups, especially the most vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and the elderly. Consequently, economic policies and action plans have been put in place to remedy this crisis, including the adoption of policies for granting loans to finance the establishment of small and tiny economic projects for the purpose of establishing projects that provide job opportunities through the establishment of loan funds that included various groups.

How to Cite
H. Ali Abdulla, M. Mudhafar Hameed, O. Ali Abdulla, and A. ali almulla, “Evaluation of Loans Submitted to the Youth in Creating Job Opportunities and Enhancing the Provision of Services”, JMAUC, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 11-20, May 2024.