Toward programmatic self-assessment study for Nursing Department/Madenat Alelem University College (MAUC) 2024

  • Thamer Al Hilfi
  • Faris Abdul Kareem
  • Saeed S.Kamoon
  • Intisar Abdulghani
Keywords: Accreditation, self-assessment, Nursing.


Following the recommendations of the Nursing School Accreditation Standards Workshop conducted in Baghdad in February 2023 with the full support of the National Accreditation Council for Nursing Schools (ACANC), we conducted this study with the aim of identifying linkages and gaps of ties between the existing nursing program in the Madenat Alelem university college compared to the approved national standards for accrediting nursing colleges in Iraq.

How to Cite
T. Al Hilfi, F. Abdul Kareem, S. S.Kamoon, and I. Abdulghani, “Toward programmatic self-assessment study for Nursing Department/Madenat Alelem University College (MAUC) 2024”, JMAUC, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 101-106, May 2024.