The role of the value chain in achieving sustainable competitive advantage

  • Mohammed abdlwahid
  • Noor yaseen makhlef


                The research aims to explain the concept of value chain technology, its importance, advantages, tools and mechanism of work, through the activities of designing and manufacturing the product and the extent of its impact on the cost, whether negatively or positively. Armed forces and the occurrence of terrorist bombings, but it suffers from a significant increase in costs. Despite the high costs of prostheses, it may not secure the manufacture of high-quality limbs. Its strategies work to reduce costs by excluding activities that do not add value.

How to Cite
M. abdlwahid and N. yaseen makhlef, “The role of the value chain in achieving sustainable competitive advantage”, JMAUC, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-7, Jul. 2023.