Function of thyroid gland of normal healthy pregnant women during the second trimester of pregnancy

  • Noor Salman Dalis Dept of Physiology, College of Medicine, Tikrit University
  • Sami Z. Akrim Dept of Physiology, College of Medicine, Tikrit University
  • Alaa Saber Shihab Dept of Physiology, College of Medicine, Tikrit University
  • Mossa M. Marbut Dept of Physiology, College of Medicine, Tikrit University
Keywords: Second trimester, Pregnancy, thyroid hormones, Lipid profile


Background : During pregnancy, the mother’s thyroid gland undergoes many physiological changes, leading to an increase in thyroid volume which is often associated with higher urinary iodine excretion. Aim of study: To study the levels of thyroid function in second trimester of pregnancy. Subjects and methods: A longitudinal study was conducted in Gynecological  clinics  at Alalm city Salah din Government from the 1st of August 2016 to the end of march   2017. Ninety pregnant  women were participated in the study. About 10 ml of venous blood was drawn from pregnant woman. Samples were collected between (9-11) A.M., after overnight  fasting, the blood was drawn from the capital vein using disposable needles and syringes with using tourniquet in all cases. The blood was allowed to clot in plain tubes at room temperature. The serum was aspirated after centrifugation (at 3000 rpm) for 30 minutes, divided into liquates in plastic tubes and stored at deep freeze  (-18_20C0) until the time of estimation. Result: The result show that, there is a high significant  in T3 and T4 there are no significant difference between three month in TSH concentration as compare to its trimester. In other hand, there is no significant difference (p≤0.001) among pregnant of cholesterol , LDL and VLDL concentration. but there is there is significant difference (p≤0.001) among pregnant of triglyceride and HDL value when compare to different month. Conclusion: We calculated clinically relevant  second trimester values for thyroid function tests through pregnancy to facilitate improved management of thyroid disease in pregnancy in our local population.

How to Cite
Noor Salman Dalis, Sami Z. Akrim, Alaa Saber Shihab, and Mossa M. Marbut, “Function of thyroid gland of normal healthy pregnant women during the second trimester of pregnancy”, JMAUC, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-9, Jun. 2018.