A New WP-MC/MCD-CDMA System Using Two-dimensional Spreading Code

  • Natiq Abdullah Ali Technical College of Management, Baghdad, Iraq.
Keywords: OFDM, MC, CDMA, spreading codes, WP, MCD, MU.


The Fourth Generation (4G) of wireless communication networks is able to handle much higher data rates in the range of 1Gb, the WLAN environment and 100 Mb in cellular networks. Also, the 4G can support various multimedia services such as voice, data and video, which require multirate transmission and large bandwidth. In this paper, the Wavelet Packets (WP), Multicarrier (MC), Multicode (MCD) and multiuser (MU) are combined together in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) communication system to yield a novel communication system that is WP-MC/MCD/MU/CDMA. Besides, the wireless communications networks require multirate transmission. Therefore, to improve the system performance in multirate transmission, the two-dimensional spreading codes with different length are used in the proposed system. The overall transceiver system is simulated and modeling using Matlab R2008a. The proposed system is evaluated under the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Rayliegh channels. The Bit Error Rate (BER) results show that the proposed system gives improvement in the performance as compared with the currently systems and is reliable and good candidate for the 4G cellular mobile systems.

How to Cite
Natiq Abdullah Ali, “A New WP-MC/MCD-CDMA System Using Two-dimensional Spreading Code ”, JMAUC, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 62-73, Dec. 2012.