Design of Digital Filters for Analysis of EEG Signal

  • Ali K.Taki Department of Physics, College of Education Ibn AL-Haitham, University of Baghdad.
  • Tayma N. Mustafa College of Medical, University of Mosul.
  • Naz T. Jaralla Department of Physics, College of Education Ibn AL-Haitham, University of Baghdad.
  • Amaal J. Hatim Department of Physics, College of Education Ibn AL-Haitham, University of Baghdad.
Keywords: Digital Filters, Signal Analysis, Digital Signal Processing.


Analytical sequence technique was designed and applied on normal and epileptically human electroencephalography (EEG) data. This technique was composed of three stages. First extraction of EEG spikes and rejection noise, slow and artifacts components. Second determining amplitude threshold which describe spike incidence. Third representation of spikes per second on a bar chart. A set of a band pass filter was designed for extraction of EEG spikes. An accurate detection of spikes was obtained with band pass digital filters of double zero at (z=±1), single pole placed on a circle radius (r1 and r2) and 4th order pole was placed at the origin. A threshold program was successfully used to recognize the spikes incidence. Bar chart program was carefully used to count the number of incidence spikes per second on EEG data.

How to Cite
Ali K.Taki, Tayma N. Mustafa, Naz T. Jaralla, and Amaal J. Hatim, “Design of Digital Filters for Analysis of EEG Signal ”, JMAUC, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 79-107, Jun. 2013.