Measurement and calculate the concentrations of radioactive isotopes (238U, 232 Th and 40K) and the radiation doses in Thiqar governorate using GR-460 system

  • قيس عبدالامي رداود الهيئة العراقية للسيطرة على المصادر المشعة
  • صاحب نعمة جامعة الكوفة
  • مؤيد عبد الحسين عباس الهيئة العراقية للسيطرة على المصادر المشعة
  • حميد حربي وزارة العلوم والتكنوجيا


This study included measurement and calculates the concentrations of radioactive isotopes (238U, 232 Th and 40K) and the radiation doses in Thiqar governorate (Nasiriyah, Shatrah, Suq Chabaish, Rifai) has been conducting this research by radiological survey system (GR-460) that it has high efficiency in detection. This system consist from two large sodium iodide detectors Nal (TI) the size of each of them (256 inch3) associated with data analysis unit that associated with computer to display and store the results, this computer have analysis program (GR-660), which has the ability to determine the dose rate and the concentrations of radioactive isotopes (uranium - thorium - potassium) in soil. The concentrations of radioactive isotopes subject of research and doses radiation were within the permitted nature limits. The radiation dose to sites that surveyed: (Nasiriyah Center 6.79 μR/h, Shatrah 7.2 μR/h, Suq Chabaish 6.41μR/h, Rifai 6.6μR/h and the average dose rate for the whole Thiqar governorate was 6.8 μR/h), the concentrations of radioactive isotopes (238U, 232 Th, and40 k) to across the governorate as follows: (uranium-238 2.7 ppm, thorium -232 5.6 ppm and for potassium- 40 14111).

How to Cite
قيس عبدالامي رداود, صاحب نعمة, مؤيد عبد الحسين عباس, and حميد حربي, “Measurement and calculate the concentrations of radioactive isotopes (238U, 232 Th and 40K) and the radiation doses in Thiqar governorate using GR-460 system”, JMAUC, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 76-85, Dec. 2016.