Identification Of Some Groups Active In Alhagi Plants And Pine Used In The Treatment Of Arthritis, Coughs And Colds

  • Hadi Kareem Dahaam Ministry of Science and Technology / Directorate of Central Laboratories
  • Amel Naji Wadi Ministry of Science and Technology / Directorate of Central Laboratories
  • Zainab Mahmood Abdulla Ministry of Science and Technology / Directorate of Central Laboratorie
Keywords: infrared spectroscopy FT-IR, ultra violate spectroscopy UV, gas chromatography ,High Performance Liquid Chromatography .


In this research extraction and Identification of chemical compounds (active substances) in the plant Alhagi and plant pine. Where the chemical extraction of these compounds using alcoholic solvents, then the diagnosis of these aggregates are effective in these plants using the equipment of chemical and spectral analysis, diagnostic and classical chemical methods.

How to Cite
Hadi Kareem Dahaam, Amel Naji Wadi, and Zainab Mahmood Abdulla, “Identification Of Some Groups Active In Alhagi Plants And Pine Used In The Treatment Of Arthritis, Coughs And Colds ”, JMAUC, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 11-18, Dec. 2015.